Our Programs

Upper Elementary (3rd-4th grade)

kids solving puzzle

Main Subject Areas

English Language Arts (ELA)

Students refine their reading, writing, and analytical skills, engaging with complex texts and expressing ideas with confidence.

kid studying numericals

Multiplication, division, fractions, and problem-solving come to life through hands-on exploration and real-world applications.

kid playing building block

A deeper dive into biology, physics, and environmental science encourages students to think like scientists and conduct their own investigations.

kid solving puzzle
Social Studies

Students explore history, geography, and civics, developing a strong sense of identity, culture, and global awareness.

kid vacuuming water with dropper
Practical Life & Sensorial

Emphasis on responsibility, leadership, and community engagement prepares students for independence and collaboration.

About us

Tour Sankofa Montessori

Visit Sankofa Montessori and take a tour of the Globe, Sankofa’s academic building.

You can also book a private tour of the Globe

Tours are available

  • On Wednesdays, Thursdays & Friday
  • From 10 AM to 12 PM

Enroll your child into the Elementary Montessori Program at Sankofa Montessori Today!

We are still accepting applications for SY 24-25 (July-May)

At Sankofa Montessori, we are here to empower every child to build a life of purpose.

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